'ON DEMAND INSTRUCTOR TRAINING coming Jan 2021!! Stay up to date https://reb3lfit.com/instruct/ This is just a rehearsal video, but we wanted to share our new Christmas choreo with you immediately so you can add it to your classes for holidays! Check us out for FREE http://www.reb3lfit.com REB3L Groove is a badass, bootcamp style dance fitness format created by REB3L LLC. On Demand, Live Classes and Instructor trainings! Subscribe to our REB3L Fitness YouTube Channel below! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJMD... ==================== Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/REB3LFitness/ Follow us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/reb3lfitness/ ===================='
Tags: dance fitness , ZUMBA , christmas , choreography , MIXXEDFIT , U-Jam , Sia , christmas choreography , HO HO HO , Christmas choreo
See also: